News & Updates | Randall Branding Agency | Richmond, VA
Randall Branding Agency

Here’s what we’re up to.

Lunch and Learn Series: Type in Two Parts

We teamed up with the fine people at Torx Media for a monthly Lunch and Learn series in Suite 200. Just like Keynote slides and Jojo’s buff chick pizza, we go great together, and decided to share the fun on our blog!

Megan kicked off our design team’s two-part presentation with an abridged history of typography, à la Mean Girls. Here are the highlights.


Meet Johannes Gutenberg. We hear his beard is insured for $10,000. Gutenberg built a press and invented movable type. Movable type is what distinguishes typography from everything that came before it (think hieroglyphics and illuminated manuscripts). Then Gutenberg used his big ol’ brain and his beard full of secrets to print the first book, the Gutenberg bible.


Before the press, your basic 200-page book required four to five months of labor by a scribe. Gutenberg’s letterforms were based on this kind of penmanship and we call the style blackletter today.

Continue reading Lunch and Learn Series: Type in Two Parts

Six Things: Regina


One of the best things about working at Randall Branding is building relationships with great people. We love it when our clients share their world with us. And in the interest of returning the favor, we’ll be sharing parts of our weird and wonderful world with you here.

Six things you may not know about Regina, our Web Developer.


1. I have over 200 records. My mom gave me her entire collection, which is what got me into it. I go record shopping at least once a week to continue building on it.

2. Robin is my favorite superhero. I’ve been drawn to him since I was a kid, and he’s even tattooed on my leg.

3. I have a cat named Hendrix. I got him when he was about two months old via Craigslist—the best $10 I ever spent.


4. Before moving to Virginia, I lived in Washington and Germany. My dad was in the military, so my family moved around a bit.

5. From age seven to ten, I was a vampire every year for Halloween.

6. I learned how to code when I was about eleven. I started with social websites and customizing pages, finding tutorials and teaching myself for the most part.

If you want to know more about us, you can jump over here. If you’d like to see what we do, you can always jump over there.

See you next time!

Harman Eye Center, TMI Consulting, and VCU among our new clients!

News_NewBusiness_1104x692Over the past couple months, Randall Branding has been busy pitching their best and brightest ideas, bringing in some spectacular new business.


With the ever changing medical landscape, Harman Eye Center out of Lynchburg Virginia hired Randall to create a messaging platform that better articulated what differentiates them in the market place, as well as updating their brand look and feel with a new logo, website, and supporting collateral.


With ongoing design and project needs, TMI Consulting was looking for a full-service agency that could accommodate all of their needs under one roof. In the immediate, TMI is working with Randall Branding to streamline parts of their website for improved user experience, create marketing collateral, and produce consulting support materials.


Good Run Research has been able to continue their positive momentum just based on reputation and word of mouth alone. But where they struggle is sharing their smarts, star quality client list, and winning staff online. They partnered with Randall Branding to bring all the missing pieces together so that their online presence better represents the killer work their doing in the real world.


The merge of two departments brought about a need for a new logo for the VCU Department of Health Behavior and Policy. The final product cleanly represented how research and policy work hand in hand.


Rountrey & Collington subdivisions in Midlothian are seeing tremendous growth and with that were finding the need to make improvements to their online presence. Randall was brought in to update the design of both websites to fit with the current trend in web design as well as provide more strategic direction in user experience.


When Work & Think approached Randall, they were looking to spiff up their look and create a new website that really spoke to their niche and value in the marketplace. Randall Branding created a logo, business cards, website, and supporting collateral to compliment the professional yet brainy and fun sides to what Work & Think can do for its clients.