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Randall Branding Agency

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Six Things: Megan

Megan Profile

One of the best things about working at Randall Branding is building relationships with great people. We love it when our clients share their world with us. And in the interest of returning the favor, we’ll be sharing parts of our weird and wonderful world with you here.

Six things you may not know about Megan, our Art Director and Graphic Designer.


1. My first car was a 1993 Ford Explorer. I was the first of my friends to get a license, so I hauled us all over creation for about a year. At some point, we dubbed it the Chand Van. Every time I hear a Michael Franti song, it takes me back to that car and all the road trips we had.

2. My dad is a third generation farmer. I was born and raised on his farm in Shacklefords, Virginia, where he’s famous for his butterbeans! Sadly I didn’t inherit his green thumb.

3. I started working at fourteen, scooping ice cream and selling penny candy at a general store in Maine. I loved that job so much I worked there for eight summers.


4. My favorite quote is from Shawshank Redemption. Andy tells Red, “…get busy living or get busy dying.” It’s a pretty dark quote from a pretty dark film, but it reminds me that every day we’re given is one less day we have, and we should always make the most of it.

5. When I was little, I had a pair of Barney boots. They were winter boots (puffy and purple with fleece lining) that I wore year-round, even in the heat of summer. I also had an extreme aversion to pants. I basically started the leggings and boots movement back in ’94.

6. I love Christmas, Christmas Eve especially! My favorite traditions are the candlelit church service, baking almond cookies with my Mom, and eating raclette with the family (a dish we picked up visiting Montreal a few Christmases ago).

If you want to know more about us, you can jump over here. If you’d like to see what we do, you can always jump over there.

See you next time!

Lunch and Learn Series: Type Part Two

We teamed up with the fine people at Torx Media for a monthly Lunch and Learn series in Suite 200. Just like Keynote slides and Jojo’s buff chick pizza, we go great together, and decided to share the fun on our blog!

In part one of our type series Megan explored the rich history of type. For part two, Brent got into the practicalities of using it. You don’t have to be a wizard: a basic understanding of typographic principles can dramatically improve your communications!

There’s a good chance that you work with letters on a regular basis, even if you’re not a designer. Whether you’re writing your autobiography or creating a powerpoint presentation, here are 10 simple rules you can follow to make your documents sing.

Lunch and Learn

Be careful not to exhaust your reader’s eyeballs! Too short of a line and a reader’s train of thought is unnecessarily  interrupted. Too long and the eye has trouble finding where the next line begins.
Continue reading Lunch and Learn Series: Type Part Two

Six Things: Brent


One of the best things about working at Randall Branding is building relationships with great people. We love it when our clients share their world with us. And in the interest of returning the favor, we’ll be sharing parts of our weird and wonderful world with you here.

Six things you may not know about Brent, our Senior Web and Graphic Designer.

1. Ms. Miller was my high school art teacher, and she changed my life. She hipped me to modern art, turned me on to cool music, and talked to me like I wasn’t a kid. By the end of her class, I was hanging abstract cardboard sculptures from the ceiling. She was the best.

2. Jack Kerouac’s novel On the Road is one of my favorites. It’s sort of about these freewheeling poets that rush across America searching for truth and raw experience.

3. I am very easily scared. As a kid I read Goosebumps #20 The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight by R.L. Stine. I couldn’t sleep for weeks afterwards. If I only had a brain for that kind of thing.

4. The song Highway Patrolman by Bruce Springsteen once made me cry a single (manly) tear. That whole album (Nebraska) is beautiful and heart-wrenching.

5. I love fun facts. Here’s one: because the teacup was invented so early in China, no one ever thought to invent glass. As a result, developments like microscopes, beakers, and reading glasses didn’t occur for centuries. In a weird way, because of the teacup,  there were no mirrors for hundreds of years, and all windows were made of paper.

6. Spiderman 1 is one of the best movies ever. Instead of focusing on effects and explosions (I’m looking at you Avengers 2), it’s about a protagonist that has real and relatable flaws. I see so much of myself in the bumbling of Peter Parker.

If you want to know more about us, you can jump over here. If you’d like to see what we do, you can always jump over there.

See you next time!