Six Things Archives - Randall Branding Agency
Randall Branding Agency

Here’s what we’re up to.

Six Things: Brent


One of the best things about working at Randall Branding is building relationships with great people. We love it when our clients share their world with us. And in the interest of returning the favor, we’ll be sharing parts of our weird and wonderful world with you here.

Six things you may not know about Brent, our Senior Web and Graphic Designer.

1. Ms. Miller was my high school art teacher, and she changed my life. She hipped me to modern art, turned me on to cool music, and talked to me like I wasn’t a kid. By the end of her class, I was hanging abstract cardboard sculptures from the ceiling. She was the best.

2. Jack Kerouac’s novel On the Road is one of my favorites. It’s sort of about these freewheeling poets that rush across America searching for truth and raw experience.

3. I am very easily scared. As a kid I read Goosebumps #20 The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight by R.L. Stine. I couldn’t sleep for weeks afterwards. If I only had a brain for that kind of thing.

4. The song Highway Patrolman by Bruce Springsteen once made me cry a single (manly) tear. That whole album (Nebraska) is beautiful and heart-wrenching.

5. I love fun facts. Here’s one: because the teacup was invented so early in China, no one ever thought to invent glass. As a result, developments like microscopes, beakers, and reading glasses didn’t occur for centuries. In a weird way, because of the teacup,  there were no mirrors for hundreds of years, and all windows were made of paper.

6. Spiderman 1 is one of the best movies ever. Instead of focusing on effects and explosions (I’m looking at you Avengers 2), it’s about a protagonist that has real and relatable flaws. I see so much of myself in the bumbling of Peter Parker.

If you want to know more about us, you can jump over here. If you’d like to see what we do, you can always jump over there.

See you next time!

Six Things: Regina


One of the best things about working at Randall Branding is building relationships with great people. We love it when our clients share their world with us. And in the interest of returning the favor, we’ll be sharing parts of our weird and wonderful world with you here.

Six things you may not know about Regina, our Web Developer.


1. I have over 200 records. My mom gave me her entire collection, which is what got me into it. I go record shopping at least once a week to continue building on it.

2. Robin is my favorite superhero. I’ve been drawn to him since I was a kid, and he’s even tattooed on my leg.

3. I have a cat named Hendrix. I got him when he was about two months old via Craigslist—the best $10 I ever spent.


4. Before moving to Virginia, I lived in Washington and Germany. My dad was in the military, so my family moved around a bit.

5. From age seven to ten, I was a vampire every year for Halloween.

6. I learned how to code when I was about eleven. I started with social websites and customizing pages, finding tutorials and teaching myself for the most part.

If you want to know more about us, you can jump over here. If you’d like to see what we do, you can always jump over there.

See you next time!

Six Things: Jessica


One of the best things about working at Randall Branding is building relationships with great people. We love it when our clients share their world with us. And in the interest of returning the favor, we’ll be sharing parts of our weird and wonderful world with you here.

Six things you may not know about Jessica, our Director of Client Relations.


1. I remember hating jelly shoes because they made my feet sweat and then dirt would get in the holes and create smelly sludge. But I wore them anyway because everybody else did. Why they ever came back in style is a mystery to me.

2. In elementary school I was ‘in love’ with Danny Taylor. He moved to Staunton after 5th grade and I never heard from him again. I actually wrote a letter to Oprah in search of him. She never responded.

3. My dream car is a ’73 Bronco, baby blue, with a hard top. One day I would love to have a garage and build my own. This will never actually happen. Because I know zero about cars. But that’s why it’s a dream. Maybe I’ll just buy one.


4. I really like vinegar. I can drink it straight from the bottle. I generally like anything that contains vinegar… Ketchup, Mustard, Italian Dressing, and especially A-1. When I was little I used to eat A-1 out of a spoon. Went I went to restaurants I would make A-1 and cracker sandwiches. When I was in middle school, my afternoon snack was salt-n-vinegar chips soaked in vinegar.

5. Travel is something I wish I could do more of. It’s the best investment you can make. What you learn about yourself, your resiliency, your ability to adapt to differences & change, and the courage it takes to conquer alone. It makes you a stronger, more confident, intelligent, dynamic human being. Being brave enough to be totally uncomfortable is the biggest challenge you can ever face.

6. Favorite Quote: Life is weird.

If you want to know more about us, you can jump over here. If you’d like to see what we do, you can always jump over there.

See you next time!